Thursday, December 9, 2010


The Secrets of the Wise Men of Zion is the first documented version of the Protocols published outside of Russia. Published in Charlottenburg, Germany, 1920.

Aware his failure in the election in 1936 Coughlin had to push himself to come up with a new theme to grab his listeners.  Although Anti-Semitism had not been a large commentary in Coughlin's shows he had mentioned "Jews hoarding gold" and "bad international Jews.  In one show he proposed to "speak upon a subject related to money."  And then went on to spend the whole program summarizing the entire history of the Jewish people.
     Not only did Coughlin speak on his radio show about the "traffickers of gold" but in 1938 he expanded his audience with a publication, Social Justice.  In a series of articles published in Social Justice during 1938, Coughlin lambasted “Jewish” financiers and their control over world politics, culminating with a story recounting his own version of the infamous 20th Century forgery, the so-called Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which indicated to be minutes of meetings of Jewish leaders as they plotted to take over the world.

Protocols of Zion book picture from
Gelt picture from

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