Friday, December 10, 2010

Talk Radio--- What Message Are You Sending?


I would definitely say I'm sheltered.  For one I don't even listen to the radion because they play the same damn songs over and over again.  And when I do I turn on K104.7 morning show and they never talk politics.  They'll play some games, talk about the weather, and obviously talk celebrity gossip.  That is what popular radio stations have turned into today.  You have to turn on a specific station that specifically talks about the news.

All talk radio is closely the same.  Politics.  Economics.  Government.  Some disc-jockeys know how to catch their audience well with the words that they speak.  Unlike others who want to push their beliefs and ideals onto their listeners, Father Coughlin, causing immense controversy for themselves.  While others just want to talk their talk, Rush Limbaugh, and spark debate around the nation.

I feel that Coughlin was on a mission.  He wanted to start some sort of army, National Union for Social Justice.  Limbaugh wanted to talk about the issues at hand in the government.  He wanted to spark discussion.

In the end to attain an audience it is all about what message you are trying to send.

Picture from Gord's Poetry Factory

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